Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Talia's Thoughts on Longhouses

Hello,my name is Talia and I love eastern woodland Indians.
It's so amazing how they cooperate with nature and do all this fantastic stuff! Do you know that E.W.I are very good to nature because they always take the right amount? I mean they never take too much! But lots of us take more and do not care about nature at all!!
Did you know that E.W. I. live in wigwams and longhouses? Even longhouses made out of nature can be as long as a foot-ball field and as tall as 20 feet high.
A wigwam is very small and can only have one to two familys in it .
Did you know that we had a BIG war with the E.W.I a long time ago too!!!!!
It's so interesting how different they live from us.
Do you know anything about E.W.I???
- Talia

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I do know something about the E.W.I.
    Longhouses were more permanent places to live, and wigwams were temporary houses.
